Are you looking to create or restructure an enterprise in Singapore and need expertise to establish or transition? Maybe you seek to expand your operations in Singapore and need incremental senior talent to compliment the board?
At AlfaSec we specialize in supporting Financial Services enterprises by providing professionals on a non exclusive basis to business to support Management strategy.

We work with companies headquartered outside of Singapore and support enterprise in Singapore in different capacities. We help with qualifications for licencing, general & project management, opening and expanding physical presence in Singapore, enterprise oversight and financial reporting, support good governance and provide independent views to shareholders and overseas directors.
Our mature professional can work on a project basis or as a member of the board in the capacity of Non Executive or Executive Directors. We limit the number of engagements and industries to each individual to ensure attention to each mandate and avoid conflict of interest. Our engagement is designed around understanding our client and providing leadership and guidance when required.
Lets Talk!